The Gyllene Tider Experience in Halmstad

On June 25th, a completely unique popup exhibition will open at Klammerdammsgatan 4 in Halmstad city. The Gyllene Tider Experience is more than an exhibition. It is an experience that evokes emotions. It is retro and it is also contemporary.

This exhibition has truly engaged the band’s members. All five have opened their hearts and searched through their stashes for memories and items that create a picture of Gyllene Tider’s dreams when they started their career. In one corner, you will find the rehearsal room set up as it once looked, interpreted from the film Sommartider. In another part, you can sing along to one of Gyllene Tider’s songs. Maybe you also want to share your dreams. You can do that here.

The popup exhibition is about Gyllene Tider’s early years, with a connection to the upcoming film Sommartider, which will be released in Swedish cinemas on July 17th. As Micke Syd often says, “we are merchants of joy.” And that is exactly how it is. Many visitors will likely feel Per Gessle’s song “Här kommer alla känslorna på en och samma gång” (Here come all the feelings at once). Because music is life, at all stages. And Gyllene Tider has been with us all the way – for a long, long time.

Gyllene Tider brings happiness and pride

-Halmstad is and has always been the place in our hearts. When I was contacted about a popup exhibition related to the upcoming “Sommartider” film and the fantastic audio guides recently launched, it felt natural to open the archives and treasure chests. We in the band, along with those working on the exhibition, have had many memories revived, which feels incredibly fun. I believe many visitors will be happy with this exhibition, says Per Gessle.

-Since the band’s start, Gyllene Tider has meant a great deal to Halmstad. In their wake, with all the songs that depict the city, history has been written, creating immense pride in all of us who live here. Their music has always attracted visitors to our beautiful city, and with the exhibition, we look forward to even more tourists and for Halmstad residents to visit Klammerdammsgatan 4 to walk along Gyllene Tider’s memory lane, says Stefan Pålsson (S), chairman of the municipal executive board in Halmstad.

The Gyllene Tider Experience opens on June 25th and runs until August 31st. Halmstad Tourist Center is in the same location, where you can buy tickets for the exhibition. Tickets are also available on

Opening hours

Tuesday–Friday 10:00–18:00
Saturday 10:00–16:00
Sunday 12:00–16:00
(Closed on Mondays)

The Gyllene Tider Experience – Information and tickets

Gyllene Tider in Halmstad

Happy B-day MP!

Today is no ordinary day. No today is when Mats MP Persson puts his Telecaster on the shelf and takes to golfing instead!

Have a wonderful 65th B-day MP!

Hux Flux – a review

Anders Roos and Jan-Owe Wikström have put together yet another book about Gyllene Tider. Was that really necessary? Wasn’t already everything told? Well, it depends on how you see it. This book focuses more on the return from the End. It focuses a little bit on the fans and their points of view too. What I appreciate the most is how all of the members, except Per, pondered if they really should get back together again. Micke said “An ending is an ending, period.” but his lovely wife Helena gave him other perspectives, for instance.

The photos, and there are many, are awesome. The book is full of them and make you feel involved. The interviews, the journals, are interesting to take part of. As already mentioned, the favorites are Micke, MP, Fritz and Acke’s thoughts. A little trivia: since Micke said NO Per wrote the song Gyllene Tider igen as Pers Garage igen and thought he’d put that little outfit back together again. We all know what happened after that…

Also, there’s a very nice interview with Gabriel Gessle in the book.

So what isn’t great about the book? Well, the designer put together his own Gyllene Tider-logo and put that at the bottom of each page. That’s a no-no!

Apart from that, it’s very nice. Anders and JO have been everywhere and found out everything, as per usual. Looking forward to the next book…

Get the book here: Ginza, Bengans

And the winners are…

Two weeks ago we raffled out two Hux Flux books with prints courtesy of Anders Roos and Jan-Owe Wikström!

The question was: rate the guys in this photo by age, oldest to youngest.

A lot of you did, quite a few did not and some of you even found more than the three people we were looking for!

The correct answer is:

BoJo – Bosse Johansson Aug 23, 1955
PG – Per Gessle Jan 12, 1959
Anki – Anders Herrlin Sept 17, 1961

And some of you even found a woman behind Per that we didn’t see, and also apparently there is someone in a hammock behind Anders. Great finds! But they aren’t included…

So, the winners are:

Tina Zimmer, Germany
Kicki Bergström, Sweden

Congratulations!! The books will be sent out as soon as we get the prints from Anders Roos.

Win the new book – contest

Great news! In cooperation with the photographer of the new book Gyllene TiderHux Flux – Hela Sveriges dagbok, Anders Roos and writer Jan-Owe Wikström, we can now raffle out not one but two books with prints!

So, what do I need to do, you wonder?

Easy. Sort the people in this photo below, age-wise, from oldest to youngest. If you do know their B-days that is a bonus. Mail your answer with your address to We need your answer before Dec. 8.
